News from LCA to go

Innovative Technologies for the Renewable Energy Supply

Innovative Technologies for the Renewable Energy Supply

The LCA to go approach was introduced at the cooperation forum of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Berlin, Germany on November 21, 2012. Nearly 100 participants registered for this event, thereof 65 from SMEs.

The conference was hosted by the Berlin Technology Foundation (TSB) and covered various new technology and market approaches for the photovoltaic industry. Novelties were presented by the deematrix GmbH (thermal heat storage), greateyes GmbH (new approach to luminescence inspection of PV modules) and SOLON Energy GmbH (Innovative PV systems and services for business customers).

Jan Schneider and Karsten Schischke of Fraunhofer IZM gave a brief introduction to the topic, schedule and the goal of the LCA to go project. The core part of the presentation was the expected benefits for the future users of the tool – the use for an optimization of environmental performance and as a possible unique selling point of PV systems. Fraunhofer provided a glimpse at the software tool in its preliminary excel version.

See also:

Abstract (German): Lebenszyklusorientierte Umweltbewertung von Photovoltaik-Projekten: Eine optimierte CO2-Bilanz als Wettbewerbsvorteil?

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